Frequently Asked Questions
Where is First Presbyterian Church located?
Our address is 166 Poplar Avenue, which is in downtown Memphis on the northwest corner of Poplar Avenue and Third Street. Please check our map for details about location and parking.
What time do I come on Sundays?
Worship begins at 11:00 am, followed by fellowship with coffee and donuts.
Where should I park?
Parking is available in the lot behind the church which can be accessed from Exchange Street. There is also a parking lot across Third Street, which allows our parishioners to park for free. The door facing Exchange Street is where most people enter our church, and there you will find a friendly greeter to direct you.
What if I want to walk to church?
Unfortunately due to some building repairs, you'll have to enter from the parking lot side of the building. The front doors on Poplar Avenue are not accessible at this time. Please enter the church through the doors facing Exchange Street. Please check our map for details.
What should I wear?
Some people wear suits to worship. Some people wear shorts or jeans. Most people wear something in-between those two options. Please come to worship in whatever clothes you are comfortable wearing.
What will the worship service be like?
Every week our joyful worship service includes hymns, prayers, scripture readings and a sermon. You will receive a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary from an usher and this will guide you through the order of worship. As a general rule, we celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of every month as well as at other special times throughout the year. As Presbyterians, we believe that our table is open to all baptized Christians.
What will my children do during worship?
We encourage children of all ages to attend worship with their parents and to participate as they are able. There are worship bags with crayons and scratch pads located in a basket in the rear of the sanctuary. There are also two rocking chairs at the back of the sanctuary provided for parents with babies, or people who like to rock.
There is a Time With Children during the first half of worship when all children (and any interested adults) are invited to come forward in the sanctuary. One of the pastors or a lay person takes this time to discuss a scripture reading for the day in a way that will interest children. After this time, children who are preschool age may wish to go downstairs to the nursery. School-aged children are encouraged to stay and participate in worship.
A playroom nursery, staffed with experienced and loving child-care providers, is provided from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm on Sunday morning for infants and young children.
Do you allow non-members to be married at First Pres?
We love to welcome non-members to be married here at First Pres. The pastor is happy to work with you to create a meaningful wedding service. Please contact the church office for availability.
What else goes on at church besides worship and Sunday school?
Quite a lot! We have a weekly soup kitchen, clothes closet, and food pantry on Sunday afternoons, along with outreach to our downtown neighbors throughout the week. Our choir welcomes new members at anytime, and rehearses in the choir room on Thursday afternoons. Presbyterian Women Grace Circle meets monthly. Popular annual activities for the congregation and friends include: family camp at Pinecrest, the Presbytery Youth Retreat, special programs during Lent and Advent, our annual "Reel 'Em In" party, the annual Easter Egg Hunt, and Christmas caroling and our kids' pageant during the holidays. Check the Church Activities, and the News pages for more up-to-date information.
Our address is 166 Poplar Avenue, which is in downtown Memphis on the northwest corner of Poplar Avenue and Third Street. Please check our map for details about location and parking.
What time do I come on Sundays?
Worship begins at 11:00 am, followed by fellowship with coffee and donuts.
Where should I park?
Parking is available in the lot behind the church which can be accessed from Exchange Street. There is also a parking lot across Third Street, which allows our parishioners to park for free. The door facing Exchange Street is where most people enter our church, and there you will find a friendly greeter to direct you.
What if I want to walk to church?
Unfortunately due to some building repairs, you'll have to enter from the parking lot side of the building. The front doors on Poplar Avenue are not accessible at this time. Please enter the church through the doors facing Exchange Street. Please check our map for details.
What should I wear?
Some people wear suits to worship. Some people wear shorts or jeans. Most people wear something in-between those two options. Please come to worship in whatever clothes you are comfortable wearing.
What will the worship service be like?
Every week our joyful worship service includes hymns, prayers, scripture readings and a sermon. You will receive a bulletin as you enter the sanctuary from an usher and this will guide you through the order of worship. As a general rule, we celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first Sunday of every month as well as at other special times throughout the year. As Presbyterians, we believe that our table is open to all baptized Christians.
What will my children do during worship?
We encourage children of all ages to attend worship with their parents and to participate as they are able. There are worship bags with crayons and scratch pads located in a basket in the rear of the sanctuary. There are also two rocking chairs at the back of the sanctuary provided for parents with babies, or people who like to rock.
There is a Time With Children during the first half of worship when all children (and any interested adults) are invited to come forward in the sanctuary. One of the pastors or a lay person takes this time to discuss a scripture reading for the day in a way that will interest children. After this time, children who are preschool age may wish to go downstairs to the nursery. School-aged children are encouraged to stay and participate in worship.
A playroom nursery, staffed with experienced and loving child-care providers, is provided from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm on Sunday morning for infants and young children.
Do you allow non-members to be married at First Pres?
We love to welcome non-members to be married here at First Pres. The pastor is happy to work with you to create a meaningful wedding service. Please contact the church office for availability.
What else goes on at church besides worship and Sunday school?
Quite a lot! We have a weekly soup kitchen, clothes closet, and food pantry on Sunday afternoons, along with outreach to our downtown neighbors throughout the week. Our choir welcomes new members at anytime, and rehearses in the choir room on Thursday afternoons. Presbyterian Women Grace Circle meets monthly. Popular annual activities for the congregation and friends include: family camp at Pinecrest, the Presbytery Youth Retreat, special programs during Lent and Advent, our annual "Reel 'Em In" party, the annual Easter Egg Hunt, and Christmas caroling and our kids' pageant during the holidays. Check the Church Activities, and the News pages for more up-to-date information.