Your generosity funds our work. We couldn't do this without you!
We accept contributions through PayPal, check (mail to 166 Poplar Ave. Memphis, TN 38103) or Automatic Bill Pay through your bank. Thank you. Our ministry is focused on helping the unhoused population of Memphis with three major outreach ministries, including Soup Kitchen, Second Harvest Food Pantry, and Clothes Closet (along with a record retrieval program and our sandwich giveaways on Tuesdays and Thursdays!) and we are always grateful for your help! First Pres’s Soup Kitchen Outreach Ministry is looking for volunteers who would be willing to serve in a leadership position on a monthly basis. Our goal is to create four Leadership Teams of 4-5 folks that would direct the groups of volunteers who come weekly to serve our guests. At least 2 folks on each team would be experienced leaders from First Pres, so there will be training and support for new leaders. If you have interest and/or questions please contact us at [email protected].