Join us every Sunday at 11 am for worship, followed by Coffee and Donuts at noon and Outreach Ministries at 1:15. We hope to see you there!
Join us July 14 at Memphis
First United Methodist
Church as we worship
Join us July 14 at Memphis
First United Methodist
Church as we worship
Summer Sundays
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, June 30
Join us for worship with the Rev. Vahisha Hasan at 11 am, followed by Coffee & Donuts at noon and and Outreach Ministries at 1:15.
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost, July 7
Join us for worship and communion with the Rev. Mary Newberg Gale at 11 am! We'll have Kids Korner, a special time for preschool and elementary aged children, so please bring the kids! Worship will be followed by Coffee & Donuts at noon and and Outreach Ministries at 1:15.
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, July 14
Join us for worship at Memphis First United Methodist Church, 204 N. 2nd St. at 11 am as the two oldest congregations in Memphis team up! Our Outreach Ministries will begin at 1:15.
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, July 21
Join us for worship at 11 am, followed by Coffee & Donuts at noon and and Outreach Ministries at 1:15.
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, July 28
Join us for worship at 11 am, followed by Coffee & Donuts at noon and and Outreach Ministries at 1:15.
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, August 4
Join us for worship with communion and Kids Korner at 11 am, followed by Coffee & Donuts at noon and and Outreach Ministries at 1:15.
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost, August 11
Join us for worship at 11 am as we celebrate our annual Blessing of the Backpacks, followed by Coffee & Donuts at noon and and Outreach Ministries at 1:15.
Worship—Every Sunday at 11am in person & on facebook live Sundays at 11am. Please read our guidelines for resuming in person worship activities.
Worship with us Sundays at 11am!
Church Services typically last 1 hour and includes singing, a children's moment, prayer, music, scripture, and a sermon. We celebrate the sacrament of communion on the First Sunday every month. Parking is located behind the church building. One of our greeters will welcome you through the parking lot door behind the building. Attire is come as you are! Folks in the church will be dressed in anything from suits and dresses, to jeans and t-shirts. It doesn't matter what you wear, we are just glad you made it today! What do we Presbyterians believe about worship? If you ask 10 different people in church on Sunday morning, you might get 10 different answers about why they come to worship. Answers like "My husband/wife/mother/dad made me come"; or "I promised my mother I'd go to church when I left home"; or "I love the music/preacher/style of worship"; or "We get out before the lunch time rush"; or "I want to raise my kids in the church". It's easy for all of us to state reasons that center on our own personal needs and preferences. But reasons that are centered on ourselves should not be the reasons we come to worship. As Presbyterians and Reformed Christians, we believe that Christian worship is all about God. Worship in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) can be summed up pretty nicely in this paragraph from our Book of Order: "Christian worship joyfully ascribes all praise and honor, glory and power to the triune God. In worship, the people of God acknowledge God present in the world and in their lives. As they respond to God's claim and redemptive action in Jesus Christ, believers are transformed and renewed. In worship, the faithful offer themselves to God and are equipped for God's service in the world." So, we believe that worship that is truly focused on God will be filled with joy, and that every part of our worship should reflect that praise, honor, glory and power belong to God alone. We believe that God is actively involved in our lives, and that worship is our response to God's active presence in our lives. As we worship, we remember God's response to God's faithfulness throughout history, in our own lives, and in the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We recognize and confess our brokenness and we hear God's assurance of forgiveness in worship. We listen to the Word of God read and proclaimed in scripture, and we pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten us to hear and be faithful to its message for us. We pray for the church and the needs of the world around us, seeking God's will. And finally we allow God to guide us back into the world to live as forgiven and transformed servants. In a Presbyterian Church, and at First Presbyterian Church, you'll find these elements in a service of worship: praise, the Word of God, the Words we sing, Sermon, confession, prayer, assurance, thanksgiving, illumination. And if you want to know more about what Presbyterians believe about worship, click here. |